Why are we not ready to have inspired teachers in every classroom?
Is it because we have not told the story well enough?
Is it that there aren’t enough people who care?
Is it because we don’t have the money?
Freedom Writers and Stand and Deliver are not simply about charismatic individuals. These movies are about inspired teachers who loved their students, were 200% prepared and willing to do anything in order to reach their students. There are no students who do not want magical lives. Let me repeat that: THERE ARE NO STUDENTS WHO DON’T WANT MAGICAL LIVES!
In order to produce that result, they must be loved and choose to take responsibility for their own lives, producing results in spite of the circumstances.
What follows is yet another attempt on my part to communicate what we know, how we know it, and what can be done, under the auspices of The Boothby Institute. Interspersed throughout the piece are questions for you and requests of you. It is our hope that you will let us know if it communicates, what you think about what is said and what you are willing to do.