Much of the influence in the world is negative.
What might happen if each time that negativity was greeted with loving-kindness?

The Boothby Institute is dedicated to allowing individuals to discover their value and experience the ability to create a meaningful, productive, contributory and joyous life.
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The Boothby Institute is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit in good standing with the IRS. Therefore, according to your tax bracket, your contributions are tax-deductible. While much of our work is supported by the delivery of services, more than 50% of it is pro bono to institutions and individuals.
Constant awareness of how I approach others, and how I hold them when I approach them, has been a really revelatory concept for me. In some respects, it has given words to something I had always been doing, and in others it has significantly increased my ability and willingness to do this all the time.
Erin Kilbride | Portland, ME
For me this is probably the most “radical” change in my life.
Gareth Davies | Capetown, South Africa
[This course] is one of only a few that had real life applications that helped prepare me to teach
Gina Martin | Springfield, MA
Thinking about standards boundaries, things I tolerate and things that excite me are all very powerful and things we should but likely would not do unless prompted like this!
Maureen Clancy | Portland, ME
Through this course I began “living” the beliefs. I demonstrated them more naturally and comfortably. Instead of having to remind myself, I began innately “becoming” that inspired teacher I always had in me but only called upon at certain times. I changed. I am complete in every area of my life.
Maureen Oswald | Jay, Maine
With each session, the conversation became easer and easier to grasp and experience. This was primarily resulting from the mounting proof that the conversation was real and true…it is the holistic nature of the conversation, as one conversation, that makes the process so satisfyingly effective.
Roy Chatterjee | Portland, ME
My entire world has changed and I see things a lot differently today than I did before I began this process…I’m a lot more grounded and am learning how my self-care allows me to take better care of myself so I can be a better leader to my team; lead by example.
Shere Goo| San Francisco, CA