The Ross Girardi Manifesto 2014

Being awake is step one. Once you know you are loved and valued, constructive action becomes much more likely. Ross Girardi is a Boothby Board Member and Managing Director at Conscious Management Consulting. He can be reached at: 11654 Plaza America Dr., #344 | Reston, VA 20190 | 571-420-0864 |

The Ross Girardi Manifesto 2014

  1. I don’t really shoot for happiness. But it seems to come when I am on target and approaching life from the space of loving kindness. That is when I’m most alive and at the same time, usually making some kind of positive change in the world or at least within myself.
  2. To me, it’s all about doing the right thing. But I can only know what the right thing is, when I’m in the space of love. Otherwise, I make a mess of everything. The smallest task turns out to be a flop. And it’s not very fun either. The slightest irritation lets me know I’m not connected to love, so I stop and wait until I get back to that place where the magic comes from.
  3. The whole idea of making a big splash is a misnomer. There have been a few to pull it off. Yet, when it is all said and done, it is the smallest acts of kindness that make the biggest difference. One smile in the grocery store parking lot is all it takes to set off a cascade of positive emotions that ripple across the planet. Do that first, then worry about getting elected to the presidency. Besides, we would prefer to have a kind person in that office anyway.
  4. The real secret is being not doing. If you are in a good space, good actions will follow naturally. If not, actions will follow but the results will not turn out so good.
  5. I’m working on my being. I refuse to judge what others are up to since I do not control that.
  6. Gentleness is really an underrated quality in our society. How nice it is to meet a genuinely gentle person.
  7. I think we all have a blueprint. Someone we could be if we threw off all the conditioning that has built up over the years. God created that blueprint and man created the conditioning. It’s not hard for me to choose between the two.
  8. Sure, there is hard work involved. Hard work is required to grow. That is just a fact. The sooner we see it the better. Don’t wait until you turn 64 and realize you drifted through your life (even then it is still not too late).
  9. Take charge now. Begin to undo what society has done to you, what you have unconsciously allowed to be done unto you.
  10. Also, it is not enough to be, you have to do. First be then do. But do something. Don’t sit on the sidelines waiting for someone else to fix it.
  11. Once you are grounded in Love, you are equipped to take action. You are ready to make a positive contribution. Change yourself first, then change the external world. It’s a lot better that way. Really, it is the only way.
  12. So, yes, make a difference. In yourself first, then in the world. We have had enough of people living in hostility who want to change the world. That is a fool’s errand.
  13. Get in touch with your true self then go out into the world. It may take a long time. That’s ok. But don’t waste time. Get moving on it now. The world is actually waiting for you to show up with your great gifts.
  14. Why you? Because there is only one you. Deep down, at your true self level, you are unique. At the conditioned-self level, you are like everyone else. We need real authentic people to show up. We need the real you.
  15. And I don’t mean this metaphorically. Who you are is truly a one of a kind creation. Your mix of skills, talents, interests, passions, perspectives, etc. are unique. The fact that you are here means you have a mission and a purpose. Discover your why, get free from your programming, and then swing into action. Get going now.
  16. Dare to disturb the universe as T.S. Eliot said. He actually did not say to do it but asked if he should dare to do it. I say, go for it.
  17. Let go and live in the now. The Present Moment is the only time that actually exists. That is where everything happens.
  18. Now, you say, but I’m only one person. That’s true. But one person can do a lot. Especially when they are coming from the space of love. It is amazing what one person can do. It is what every person can do, once they get it.
  19. Get what? Get that you are loved. And get that you have the power to be love. Know that there actually exist people on the planet who are holding the space of love for the entire ball called earth that is spinning around in the middle of nowhere. That’s pretty cool if you think about it.
  20. And while you’re at it, please don’t aim low to make sure you hit the target of what you’re up to. That is playing too small. Decide to play big. Go to the major leagues of your calling in life. Make it something that you decide for yourself, not something you do to please others. That way, you will have the juice required to sustain your efforts over a 40, 50 or 100 year span.
  21. So get up off the couch. Turn the screen off and go to work. Life is meant to be lived, not to be vicariously observed. Movies are great up to a point but there is a limit. Watch what fuels you, then make sure you get going on doing something to make a contribution. Avoid the crass commercials that are selling you things you really don’t need and your body does not want.
  22. Now, again, we are talking about starting small. Very small. The minimum viable step towards doing something meaningful. You can contribute to the greater good, which, since you are a part of the whole, you are contributing to your own wellbeing too.
  23. When you see something, call it out. Say your thing. Many people will not like it, at least not the majority. There will be a few however, who resonate with what you are saying and they are part of your tribe. Connect with them and lead the charge. They see what you see but only after you have articulated it. They are relying on you to say what needs to be said. Go ahead, say it.
  24. Make each word count. Say what you mean and mean what you say. Let it out. Find your channel and let it rip. You will be surprised by how many people resonate with your message. Keep going.
  25. Light your own fire and then set the world on fire. We are talking about the real you. Not the petty conditioned self.
  26. Everything you do matters. Your work is sacred. Making a living is important but living is more important than making a living. Live now. Find a way to serve in the smallest way you can. Pick up that scrap of paper in the parking lot. That’s good enough for now.
  27. All you have is now, this moment, so live with as much awareness as you can muster. This is the only chance you get to live this particular day. Make it count for something.
  28. How about prayer? Sure, it’s a great thing. Just know that true prayer is not asking for shiny objects. True prayer is about asking for help in transforming your inner self from where you are now to where you can and should be.
  29. Before Southwest airlines came into existence, air travel was reserved for the wealthy. Southwest opened the skies up to everyone. What are you meant to open up? What can you make accessible to a lot of people?
  30. Dreams are meant to guide you. Be patient and keep the dream alive. It may take years, but you can and will eventually create what you truly desire in your heart. Focus on truth and beauty to guide you.
  31. While you are at it, provide some encouragement to others. If you see something that is working, say something. Let others know you appreciate what they are doing. And stop trying to do everything by yourself. Team up to make something truly great.
  32. What if you already have access to wealth? By itself, wealth is not evil or good. It is all in how you apply it. You can use wealth to do some very helpful things or some very destructive things. There is great responsibility attached to it either way. Spend wisely.
  33. Start with yourself. Spread out to family, friends and neighbors. Then keep going. You were meant to be a repository of Love. That is the unique gift we all share. Love feels good when it is dwelling within us. Let it in!
  34. Start where you are. Be honest with where you are now. The more clearly you see it (without falling into despair), the quicker you will move towards your desired state of being.
  35. You are the one who can make a change. In yourself and then in the world. Not through controlling others but through inspiring others. Get inspired and then let that radiate out. Pretty cool way to roll.
  36. We’ve mastered building things in the material world. Nice but not sufficient. Time to begin building the inner structures that lead to a truly great culture.
  37. When was the last time you actually spread some cheer into someone else’s life? Why not try it today?
  38. As soon as I start judging others, I get a terrible sinking feeling. I think that is because to judge someone, I have to leave the seat of Love. I resolve to stop doing that immediately.
  39. In most cases, the environment does have an impact. It is a good idea to spend some time in a beautiful place each day, if only for an hour or so. Parks are available. Not a bad idea to go there for lunch or after work until the traffic thins out.
  40. For years I was a manager with formal authority over others. That had a lot of limits and was rooted in hostility. Now, as a coach and consultant, I get to be on the same side of the desk as those I’m working with. I have no authority to “make” them do anything. Rather, we are working together to move forward. That’s what I love.
  41. How about friends and family? They are worth their weight in gold. Make sure you honor those relationships. If the people you work with are friends, then that is the best possible way to go. Head in that direction.

With all my love and every blessing!