Tag Archives: democracy

Democracy at Risk

Today, I heard a story from a very high-ranking official in the Maine state government who I know to always tell the truth. Apparently, a person was asked to fire one of their direct reports for no reason other than someone higher than them wanted it so. The person refused to fire the person in question. The next day the person who refused was fired.

Would it surprise you to know that no democracy has survived long and that the demise of these nations happened when the people refused to do what they knew was right?

Freedom of Speech



Rush Limbaugh has never been a favorite of mine. I’ve seen racism and sexism couched in hundreds of different environments before and feel no need to applaud it now. There are those who are calling for Rush to be banned from radio.


Isn’t it interesting how quickly we forget the principles of Democracy when the object of our scorn has a different view than ours?


To give your life for free speech is not to be agreed with.


Is it possible for us to regain the ability to disagree and still demonstrate dignity, grace and loving kindness to all?


If not, I doubt it will matter who is “right.”







The Political Parties in the United States speak to each other and the individuals in the opposition party as if they were very stupid, not deserving of respect and as if they wish they didn’t exist.

I wonder just how fragile the Democracy really is?