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Every major religion in the world has been talking about loving people and the need for human kindness. Most of the major military conflicts historically and now are between factions of various “spiritual” groups.
Loving-kindness at an experiential level requires actions and can be felt in ways that can never be described.
What makes us think that words or thoughts make any real difference?
Perhaps because those thoughts originate in our “thinker,” not our heart.
A few days ago, I tore the tendon in my left elbow that attaches to the muscles in the top site of one’s arm to the muscles on the top of the lower arm. In the nano-second in which the tearing took place it was quite painful.
I heard the pop of a tear, experienced the intense pain and smiled at myself for the stupidity from which it resulted.
None of the words above actually capture the experience, or else, you might be in pain.
What makes us “think” that great pain or intense feelings like “real love” have anything to do with thoughts?
When I first read Greg Baer’s pivotal book, “Real Love,” the moment I finished it, I called him on the phone to tell him how wonderful it was and that even as good as it was, it could not convey the experience of real love. Greg laughed out loud for at least a minute and said, “Oh, my God, someone I don’t have to explain this to.”
What makes us think that talking about thoughts and ideas has anything to do with love or any other genuine feeling?