Tag Archives: habits

Idiot Box

Try the following exercise.

Turn off the television in your house for an entire week.

What is it you think you might miss or lose?

If you are fearful in considering this exercise, is it possible you are attached to the television?


There is a wonderful little bakery in Litchfield, Maine called The Black Crow Bakery. With clients and company coming today, I bought a few each of their spicy molasses and semi-sweet, chocolate chip cookies. They are really delicious. Today, most were served or delivered. A few are wrapped ready for the freezer. This is the first time I remember not eating one simply because they were in the house.

I wonder what triggers the creation of compulsions so strong they can last a lifetime?


As I get older, the small motor control in my hands seems to be deteriorating. Envelopes and storage bags are harder to open. Separating papers to be filed is more challenging. I’m sure you get the picture. It dawned on me today that this idiosyncrasy brings up more interim frustration than issues with my legs that were damaged years ago in a car crash.

I wonder why it hadn’t dawned on me until today that this is about dying? Now that I know it is, I doubt it will have as much power.