Tag Archives: influence

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January 18th is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day in the U.S.

While I never met Dr. King, it was very reassuring to know he was on the planet,
doing his work, day to day.

Look and see who brings forth that gratitude in your world today
and ask yourself if they know how you feel?

Message to The Pope being formulated.


Put human beings in inhuman conditions for long enough and many of us will do anything to survive.

What kind of influence do you want in your life or the lives of your children?


Yesterday I went to the 50th wedding anniversary celebration of Jane and Cliff Ives, parents of one of our Board members and Convener, Steve Ives.  As I listened to stories from those who had been touched by this loving and powerful couple, an observation began to arise.

I wonder whether there is anyone on the planet who has not been affected by their lives and work?

I wonder whether that isn’t true for all of us?