Tag Archives: loving-kindness

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Each morning, I hold seven billion souls in my heart in a place of loving kindness.
When I first attempted to do this, it seemed like so many people.
This miraculous phenomenon, available to each of us, took me seven years to master.

Amazingly enough, it feels just like the size of my family these days.


There are people I do not see or speak to for days (and months in some cases) and yet it is as if it were yesterday when we speak.

I wonder why I sometimes feel that there is only so much loving-kindness to go around?

Horse Sense

A very dear friend of mine has become acutely aware of the healing, soothing, power of touch in relationship to severe physical pain and suffering.

Animals almost always race to the side of their masters when they sense illness or upset. I wonder why we have not figured out a way to master what the rest of the animal kingdom has known and mastered forever?