If it is true that we have NO GUARANTEE of what will happen in the next second, and it is, why is it so often, especially of late, we are fearful?
Is it possible we have missed the miracle of this second?
And this one?
The election of Donald Trump is the manifestation of values we have practiced as a country for decades. Money and stature being more important than the wellness of the weakest members of our society has been our behavior. Every act of violence in the world is our responsibility. Have I ...
About forty years ago, I discovered that any anger I felt was absolutely about me. How dare this condition exist in my life? How dare that person do harm to me or mine? If I am well in any moment, I realize nothing others do is about me, even when ...
We are trusted to do the best we know how to do each moment of our lives. There will be moments when we do things that are not constructive or positive. Do you believe that means we are less worthy of being trusted? ...
Have you ever noticed that the people selling the least reliable products usually have the most aggressive sales tactics? Why would we think it would be any different for people than things? ...
Everyone has her or his own taste in music. Why would I ever assume it was my prerogative to play my music so loud that it could be heard by another person in the apartment next door or in a car nearby? That would be because I do not value ...
Just the possibility usually brings up a spontaneous reaction. Generally speaking people either love the idea/and or experience of silence or they abhor it. Are you at peace with the idea of being without outside sound or disturbance long enough to listen to your heart and your mind? ...
Who benefits most from war, conflict, strife and adversity at a global level? Certainly not the soldiers, or their families. Certainly not the immigrants created by war. I wonder whether defense contractors will be our strongest supporters? ...
The only possible end to a “war” on drugs is to acknowledge that the drugs have won and always will. In Portugal, drugs are legal. Those who seek assistance get it as part of their health plan. There is no drug related crime. The Police in Portugal love the law ...
Can you see that if there is anything that you would or would not do if it were suddenly no longer legal or illegal, your motivation is about fear and not values? ...
There is one thing we can never do ….. We cannot fail at being human. We have been raised to believe there is a right way and a wrong way. There are probably a million right ways and another million wrong ones. What might happen if we changed the scale ...