Tag Archives: mortality

Pushing Up The Daisies



Recently I used the expression “pushing up the daisies” in a mixed-age group of people. No one under the age of 25 knew what it meant.



While at death of this body, I intend to donate any usable parts as organ transplants, leaving the rest to medical science (for studies on the prolonged use of aspartame, if nothing else), toasting the remains to be used perhaps to fertilize the daisies rather than push them up as a casket might, it brought clearly to mind the need for us to be sure that what we say is understood by those with whom we are speaking.



I wonder when young people become aware of the fact that they are not immortal? 








As I get older, the small motor control in my hands seems to be deteriorating. Envelopes and storage bags are harder to open. Separating papers to be filed is more challenging. I’m sure you get the picture. It dawned on me today that this idiosyncrasy brings up more interim frustration than issues with my legs that were damaged years ago in a car crash.

I wonder why it hadn’t dawned on me until today that this is about dying? Now that I know it is, I doubt it will have as much power.