Tag Archives: ownership

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Over the years, I have done many things that have resulted in people being angry with me about my choices or how they felt they were treated.

Is it any wonder that we sometimes forget that nothing we do can make anyone else “see” what we “see?”


In one of our “Inspired Teaching” courses this week, one of the participants asked why something that is really quite simple had become seemingly so complicated and “difficult?”  

Isn’t the real question, “Why have we tolerated a situation we agree we know how to solve?”


Increasingly, I am aware of the attitude of “Barack (President Barack Obama served as President of the United States from 2008 until 2016) will fix this” in our society and around the world.  

What three things could you and I do as individuals, today, that would allow us to understand more clearly the state of global economics, improve economic conditions or make the world a better place?