Tag Archives: possibility

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It IS Possible

Love, loving-kindness, kindness, presence, equanimity.

All of these words and/or the states of being they represent are considered to be important to individuals and contribute to personal quality of life.

Do you want the people who run your country, company, NGO, the producer of your food or your childcare provider to know, experience and operate from these states of being?

End to Violence

Another brutal murder in South Carolina last week and a virtual miracle has occurred.

The people of Charleston chose to support one and other, black and white, together, to acknowledge senseless violence with loving-kindness as opposed to more violence!

Absolutely everything we do counts.
The people of Charleston chose to be a contribution, part of the solution!

Ending Hunger and Starvation

For just a moment, image that today there were no children without food or anyone without shelter.

What difference would that make to your heart?