Tag Archives: power

Reality Check

There is an acid test for those who believe their “success”
has anything to do with their worth in the world.

(Success here meant to include and not limited to the following: money, position, power, looks, athletic prowess, achievements of any kind, knowledge or that you are self-made.)

You experience that you and every other person on this planet live in a world
where not one thing beyond this second is known for sure.

Sea Ice

Recently a very high tide brought huge chunks of frozen seawater up on the banks of the cove in the back yard.

What do you see and experience when you see the force of “Mother Nature?”

Ideas Before the Mind

It has been a little more than nine years since my Mom passed on to a new way of being.  Her presence is as real for me today as ever.

Isn’t it interesting how easily the power of a person’s life can be brought to life with the suggestion of a single idea before the mind?